Hinson Snipes Trial Attorneys filed a federal civil lawsuit in the District of New Jersey against the New Jersey State Police on behalf of a Union County woman who was physically assaulted, falsely arrested, and maliciously prosecuted for calling 911 to report that she didn’t feel safe alone with the trooper during a traffic stop in Bridgewater, NJ. The federal complaint states that her false arrest and malicious prosecution was a coverup for the police misconduct resulting in a physical assault and permanent injury to her cervical spine.
On November 22, 2016, at approximately 10:31 a.m., the woman was subjected to the unlawful and excessive use of force by Trooper Rafael Castro. The trooper falsely arrested, charged, and maliciously prosecuted her for knowingly calling 911 without a purpose without probable cause. But on September 18, 2018, a jury acquitted her of the charge.
She was eventually transported by EMS from the State Trooper Barracks to Robert Wood Johnson Hospital where she was examined for a head injury before being released into the custody of another trooper.
The next day, due to severe physical pain, she sought treatment in the Overlook Hospital emergency room. There, doctors diagnosed her injuries as including a thoracic spine fracture, left shoulder sprain-strain, and neck sprain-strain: all caused by blunt trauma.
If your civil rights have been violated as a result of police misconduct, contact one our attorneys at HINSON SNIPES today: 609-452-7333.
Note & Disclaimer: This blog section reports on civil rights (police misconduct) and personal injury incidents and cases that HINSON SNIPES Trial Attorneys have extensive experience handling. We source the reports from internet news stories. As more information becomes available, we may update the post. If this post is outdated or contains inaccurate information, let us know. Please understand, that in reporting these serious incidents, HINSON SNIPES hopes that more will be done to prevent them. And finally, our blog content is not legal advice.